
CFP Deadline extended for UbuCon Asia 2024

  • Youngbin Han


Greetings! We’re announcing today that we’re extending deadline for call for proposal until April 30. If you were rushing into deadline for submitting your proposal, You now have some extra times to complete your submission. Due to Visa invitation process and travel grant process, there will be no further CFP deadline extension after April 30.

If you need travel grant from the organizing committee, please also make sure to submit application before the CFP deadline. So that we can review your session proposal and travel grant application together and easily confirm your participation later.

Making UbuCon Asia 2024 together - Become a speaker, volunteer, community partner or a sponsor today

  • Youngbin Han


UbuCon Asia, the premier Ubuntu Linux conference in Asia, is gearing up for its 2024 edition, and we need your involvement to make it a resounding success! Whether you’re an Ubuntu enthusiast, an open-source advocate, or simply someone passionate about technology, there are multiple ways for you to contribute to this exciting event.

Call for Proposals

Do you have a fascinating story to share, a groundbreaking project to showcase, or valuable insights into the world of Ubuntu and open-source software? We welcome proposals for talks, workshops, and BoFs on a wide range of topics related to Ubuntu, Linux, and the broader open-source ecosystem. Submit your proposal today by clicking here!

UbuCon Asia 2024 Call for proposals

  • Youngbin Han


We’re thrilled to announce the call for proposals for UbuCon Asia 2024! UbuCon(s) are community-organized conferences for the Ubuntu community, bringing together contributors, enthusiasts, and users from all over the world. UbuCon Asia, in particular, is a regional event that focuses on the specific interests and needs of the Asian Ubuntu community.

Tracks and Topics

We’re seeking a diverse range of session proposals across the following tracks (but not limited to):

Become a sponsor of UbuCon Asia 2024!

  • Youngbin Han


The 4th edition of UbuCon Asia is now looking for companies, organization or individuals who would like to sponsor us to make things happen! UbuCons (or Ubuntu Conferences) are regional events driven by community and group of volunteers. The events bring together hundreds of Open Source enthusiasts, users, developers, and contributors to share their stories and experiences regarding not only Ubuntu but, free and open source technologies on servers, desktops, cloud, IoT and much more.

UbuCon Asia is now on Open Collective with Open Source Collective!

  • Youngbin Han


Today, We’re glad to inform you that we’re now on Open Collective with Open Source Collective as our fiscal host! Until last year (2023), We’ve been asking our local team who host UbuCon Asia in their city, to handle our event finances by bringing their own non-profit entity, company or local fiscal sponsor. This includes handling sponsorship contracts and receiving funds, receiving individual donations, spending funds on the venue, printings, renting equipment and even handling travel grants for speakers.

UbuCon Asia Blog

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