Thank you for attending UbuCon Asia 2024!

  • Youngbin Han



Watch our aftermovie!

Thank you for joining us in JECRC Foundation, Jaipur, India this year! The 4th edition of UbuCon Asia had been another succesful conference gathering Ubuntu users and contributurs across Asia. As well as reviving Ubuntu India Local Community. All thanks to your participation!

Where to find photos, slides and videos?

If you are looking for event photo album, We have to Google Photo albums. Community album that anyone can share event photo and Official album where you can find photos from photographer. Feel free to check out photos or share yours.

Slides are being uploaded by our speakers. For already uploaded slides and other materials, you may find each slide by clicking clip icon on the timetable on Indico. Or at “Presentation materials” section of each session’s detail page.

Videos for each sessions are being edited by our hired video team. Once editing is done, It will be published on our YouTube channel.

Submit feedbacks

We hope you enjoyed UbuCon Asia 2024 very much. But there are no 100% perfect event and every event always have some rooms for improvements. If you have any feedbacks, please submit by clicking here today! Submitting feedback will be helpful for improving next UbuCon Asia.

Our sponsors

Without our sponsors, We were not be able to make this event happen again. Thank you to our sponsors - Canonical(Diamond), C-DAC(Gold), ONLYOFFICE(Supporter), FOSSUnited(Supporter), Ubuntu Korea(Supporter) and JECRC University & JECRC Incubation Center(Education partner) for your genereous support!

Next year

We haven’t decided location for next year’s UbuCon Asia yet. But call for bid is currently open, and you may submit to host UbuCon Asia in your city in 2025. If you are interested, check out our announcement for more details! See you in somewhere in Asia again next year!

Youngbin Han

Organizer - UbuCon Asia & Ubuntu Korean LoCo

UbuCon Asia Blog

© 2021-Present UbuCon Asia Committee Except where otherwise noted, Website source code licensed under MIT, Contents licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0. Ubuntu and Canonical are registered trademarks of Canonical Ltd.

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