
UbuCon Asia is now on Open Collective with Open Source Collective!

  • Youngbin Han


Today, We’re glad to inform you that we’re now on Open Collective with Open Source Collective as our fiscal host! Until last year (2023), We’ve been asking our local team who host UbuCon Asia in their city, to handle our event finances by bringing their own non-profit entity, company or local fiscal sponsor. This includes handling sponsorship contracts and receiving funds, receiving individual donations, spending funds on the venue, printings, renting equipment and even handling travel grants for speakers.

UbuCon Asia 2024 Updates - Dates moved in advance, and few other things

  • Youngbin Han


Happy new year everyone! As from our announcement on discourse end of last year, The 4th edition of UbuCon Asia will be held in Jaipur, India. There are some few updates and changes since then, So we would like to share with you! Dates moved in advance Our orignal plan was to hold on October 4th to 6th. But as these dates are closer with Ubuntu Summit which usually happens on early November, We moved our event dates in advance so that people from Ubuntu community would be able to attend both event!

Welcome to UbuCon Asia Blog

  • Youngbin Han


Welcome to the UbuCon Asia Blog! This new blog will be providing latest news from the UbuCon Asia team. There’s been seperate news page on event of each years, Now rather then that. Every notices and updates will be published through this blog first. If you would like to keep updated with latest news from UbuCon Asia, Make sure to subscribe to our blog RSS feed. Or you can also follow us on social media!

UbuCon Asia Blog

© 2021-Present UbuCon Asia Committee Except where otherwise noted, Website source code licensed under MIT, Contents licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0. Ubuntu and Canonical are registered trademarks of Canonical Ltd.

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