Contributing to this blog

If you are organizer or person who contributes to UbuCon Asia, You can contribute your own posting to this blog.

For organizers

First, You must be a member of ubucon-asia organization on GitHub. You will also need read and write acccess to ubucon-asia/ repository. If you don’t have yet, Ask may other organizers for that.

After gaining all access you need, Clone ubucon-asia/ repository to your machine, And get started with writing post with steps that can be found on this We recommend you to use dedicated branch for writing new post.

For organizers, You don’t need and review process. To publish your post, Commit post files to main branch then push to remote repository. Normally, It takes about 5~10 minutes to automatically publish your new post with GitHub Actions.

If you are not organizer

Fork our blog repository (ubucon-asia/, and then clone it to your machine. And get started with writing post with steps that can be found on this

If you’re done with writing post, Commit post files to main branch then push to your forked repository. Then, Submit Pull Request to review and publish. Our organizers will check and review your post. If your contribution has no problem, Your Pull Request will be accepted and your post will be published.

Not familiar with Git/GitHub?

Please send us copy of your post and your information(name, profile photo, email address and more) to us via Email.

Things to note when writing post

  • Content should be something related with UbuCon Asia or Ubuntu. If your post has nothing to do with these, It will be rejected or deleted.
  • Content must be compliant with Ubuntu Code of Conduct
  • Do not push draft to main branch. If you’re organizer, It is recommended to work on dedicated branch.
  • Do not write post to advertise or promote sales of service, business or products

UbuCon Asia Blog

© 2021-Present UbuCon Asia Committee Except where otherwise noted, Website source code licensed under MIT, Contents licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0. Ubuntu and Canonical are registered trademarks of Canonical Ltd.

Source code on GitHub